

Delivery charges on certain football goals may be a little more expensive as some of our football goal crossbars are supplied in one section. The longer the item the more it costs to ship. In our opinion and that of our customers these football goals are structurally better and worth the additional carriage cost. We normally deliver larger adult goalposts by our own transport. We provide professional-standard football goal posts that are safe and follow the latest goalpost standards. We offer a broad selection of Junior and senior football goals for match day, training, and garden use. Affordable football goals with extended warranty. 
All Football goals need to conform to FIFA law one and the current safety standards BS EN748:2013 and BS EN 16579:2018. Other standards such as BS 8462 are superfluous, years out of date and are no longer in force.


Locking Anti-theft Anti-vandal Steel fixed position Goalposts – Football goals for exposed pitches that are left in position. The locking system we have has a clear advantage over bolted goalposts. This steel football goal conforms to the latest safety standard EN BS 16579:2018 & EN 748. and is the only secure anti-vandal fixed position goalpost available. 

Self-Weighted Goal Posts – Artificial grass playing surfaces don’t always allow sockets for fixed position goals and freestanding goals are normally preferred. Self-weighted roller goals are ideal for such locations as they feature built-in weights to stop them from tipping forward. 

Lightweight Roller Goals - These freestanding goals do not include integral weights withing the frame making them easier to move around. These roller goals can incorporate weights or have separate external weights.

Folding Alloy Goalposts. – Lightweight strong goal frames that have locking sides that fold flat under the crossbar. These goals can be moved around with ease using transporters located on the uprights. 

Freestanding Movable Goal Posts – When goalposts are not to be in fixed positions and need to be moved around. Anchors are normally supplied with these football goals. The lightest, safest, and strongest freestanding goals. The best choice and highly recommended football goals.

Folding Plastic & Alloy Goalposts. – Light yet durable football goals that have sides that fold under the crossbar. Immensely popular and inexpensive. Quick to install and easy to move around. 
 The popular choice for children’s affiliated club football.

Plastic Goals – Very popular football goals for children. Affordable goals that can be left erected ready for use with nets attached or packed away in carry bags. ITSA Goal posts are longer lasting and stronger than Far East, Samba or Forza Goals. Footie Garden Goals - Environmentally friendly plastic goals for the garden. An affordable option for all budding soccer stars.

Self-build Alloy Goalposts. – A brand new range of easy to build football goals. Light yet strong aluminium goalpost with special sturdy corners that firmly lock the posts together. An extremely popular choice of goalpost in Junior football.  

Football Goal size guide - click here

Football Goalpost Guide for Schools - click here



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